Armagh Rhymers introduce ‘Liminal’ a transition program for Year 8

After over 40 years performing in schools, we know how hard it can be for students to transition to a new school.


In the light of years of disrupted learning and students who have missed out on so much, why not help welcome your new Year 8’s with a fun-filled, interactive show from The Armagh Rhymers?

Our Year 8 transition program is called ‘Liminal’  – the concept of the ambiguity or disorientation that occurs during transition. During a rite or ritual’s liminal stage, participants stand at the threshold, not part of their old world but not yet in their new one.

This ties into the Mumming and Wren Boy traditions of the Armagh Rhymers who went from door to door performing and our Mummers’ lines “Open the door and let us in, we hope your favour we will win!”

Our ultimate goal is to break down any worries or stress the students may feel, and have them leave their transition day associating their new school with lots of fun and joy.

CONTACT US today to book Liminal for your school.